Chronic Pain and a Successful Business: How to Manage Both – National Pain Report

By Kimberly Hayes.

For the millions of Americans who are living with chronic pain, it can be difficult to perform even the simplest of daily tasks, from household chores to driving to work. When you are a business owner and have many people depending on you, taking care of those daily tasks while also managing pain can be overwhelming and can cause anxiety, stress, or depression. You may be wondering how to take care of all your financial responsibilities, how you’ll find the strength or energy to perform household duties after a long day at work, or how you’ll make it through several more years of managing a business before retirement.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do that will help ease the burden of chronic pain and allow you to focus on your work. While there’s no one right way to handle the pain – it’s different for everyone — it is possible to get everything done and still feel comfortable.

Keep reading for some great tips on how to get started.

Manage Your Time Efficiently

One of the most important tips for business owners or busy professionals is to manage time wisely, and the same goes for chronic pain sufferers. You know your body better than anyone, and you know which time of day you feel the best in. If mornings are better, schedule the most important tasks for that time and give your body a break when you are the most tired.


Networking is another important part of the business world that also applies to those suffering from chronic pain. Finding a support system that you can reach out to when you need assistance is invaluable, so make an effort to make connections on social media, at conventions, and with bloggers and local business owners. The more allies you have, the better equipped you’ll be to handle an emergency or health-related event.

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Reduce Stress

That may seem easier said than done, but stress can contribute greatly to chronic pain and make it even more difficult for you to take care of your business. Financial details are almost always a source of great stress for business owners and entrepreneurs; if this is an issue, consider taking out a small business loan, be it a short-term loan or a merchant cash advance, that will give you some breathing room and take one burden off your shoulders. Additionally, it’s important to streamline your to-do list and keep your environment as tidy as possible, both of which can help you clear your head, reduce anxiety, and keep you focused on any important tasks. In short, anything you can do to eliminate stress is a definite plus.

Remove Distractions

Living with chronic pain can be distraction enough, so it’s imperative to remove the things that keep you from focusing when you do feel well. Get organized and rid your work and living space of clutter. Limit your time on social media if you find that it’s taking time away from what really matters. Talk to your family about interruptions, especially if you work from home. Removing these distractions can help you focus on what really matters.

Take It Slow

Many business owners and entrepreneurs are hard on themselves and push their bodies and minds to the limit every day. It’s important to keep in mind that your health is a priority, so take things slowly and move at your own pace when you feel overwhelmed. Manage your client’s expectations so you won’t feel pressured to perform at a certain level when you’re in pain.

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Managing chronic pain and a business at the same time can easily become overwhelming and exhausting, so it’s imperative to practice self-care as often as possible. Book a massage, take a time-out for your mental health, or spend time with your loved ones. With a good plan, you can make your business and your pain management a success.

Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new , which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.

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This content was originally published here.