Kenyan recruitment startup Jobsikaz rebrands to Emploi

Kenyan startup Jobsikaz, which matches employers with job candidates through predictive analytics and machine learning, has rebranded to Emploi to reflect the platform’s widened focus.

Launched three years ago and active in four African countries with more than 40,000 registered users, Jobsikaz began life as a simple jobs board but has now upgraded its recruitment engine to incorporate technology that aims to make it the fastest and most accurate job-matching platform in the region. 

Through the use of data and machine learning, it is able to predict candidate-to-role suitability with 78 per cent accuracy based on experience and skills, aptitude, personality, interests and motivations. The role matching engine, together with end-to-end recruitment process management tools provided for employers on the platform, also cuts down on the time and cost associated with recruitment.

“With the introduction of really strong recruiter tools we realised we needed a name that speaks to them too. Jobsikaz as pronounced was too jobseeker-centered,” said the startup’s chief executive officer (CEO) Sophy Mwale.

So Jobsikaz is now Emploi, which also offers jobseekers access to career management tools and incorporates social tools to boost interactivity, networking and learning. Emploi hopes to scale its operations to more African countries in order to realise its vision to impact five million businesses and 10 per cent of the continent’s workforce through its recruitment and placement tools over the next five years.

“We currently have a presence in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. We are looking into full market entry in Rwanda this year. We are also targeting minimal presence in Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Somalia and South Sudan by next year,” Mwale said.

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The post Kenyan recruitment startup Jobsikaz rebrands to Emploi appeared first on Disrupt Africa.

This content was originally published here.