Development Ministry Launches Startup Support Program With €100K Grant For Kenyan Entrepreneurs

The Federal Development Ministry (BMZ) is launching the DeveloPPP Ventures that aims to empower local Kenyan startups by providing an entrepreneurial support program with a grant of up to €100,000. Via a matching-funds model, DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH provides grant financing for growth investments of start-ups that have achieved a proof of concept and are ready to scale. Interested applicants can sign up for the program here:

“Many developing countries, particularly in Africa, have an exciting start-up scene. This is where the jobs of tomorrow and innovative solutions for the challenges on the ground are emerging. Drones being used to deliver medicines, banks that are completely digital – things which sound like the music of the future to European ears – many African companies are already making these ideas a reality,” said Development Minister Gerd Müller. “We want to encourage this entrepreneurial spirit even more, thereby helping to create modern jobs for young people. Since the launch of our DeveloPPP program, more than 2,000 projects have been realised around the world, together with local, German and European companies. Last year alone, almost 80,000 people received initial and further training thanks to this support.”

The DeveloPPP Ventures serves as a new pillar that the BMZ has added to its support portfolio. With the support of impact investment specialist Seedstars and business incubator NaiLab, the program is aimed at young entrepreneurs who are making innovative contributions to sustainable development in their developing economies as well as improving the living conditions of the locals.

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The new program will initially launch in Kenya, which already has a lively start-up scene. After that, DeveloPPP Ventures will be gradually expanded to cover more countries.

The program is open to start-ups with their head office or with a branch registered in Kenya. They can receive a grant of up to €100,000 for their planned growth investment. Among the conditions that applicants must fulfil is that they need to already be generating some initial turnover with their product and that they can acquire matching funds from other sources of at least the same amount.

In addition, start-ups will receive tailored support from technical experts for their growth journey. develoPPP Ventures will initially launch in Kenya, with the first call for proposals opening on 26 May 2021 and closing on 15 July 2021.

Via its support program DeveloPPP, the BMZ has been cooperating for over twenty years with companies wanting to make sustainable investments in a developing country or emerging economy and expand their activities on the ground.

This content was originally published here.