YOU DON’T Think Some of – DO YOU Suppose A few of THEM Were Manner Larger THAN Five Instances PER DAY AND I’M Simply CURIOUS IF THERE’S Anything else You’ll be able to SAY About the FREQUENCY As a result of PULMONOLOGISTS I HAD Asked Earlier than WEREN’T Positive THERE WAS A CUMULATIVE Effect. THE SECOND Objective WAS To compare A SUBSET OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS WHO USED THC E-CIGARETTE OR VAPING Merchandise TO OUR INTERVIEWED EVALI PATIENTS TO Establish Risk Factors Associated with AN Elevated Chance OF BEING AN EVALI CASE.
Further, Among Younger SURVEY RESPONDERS,–-white MALES REPORTED More FREQUENT USE, Greater THAN Five Times PER DAY OF NICOTINE AND THC-CONTAINING E-CIGARETTES OR VAPING Products In comparison with FEMALES. WOULD Or not it’s Possible AT THIS Point TO SAY THAT People who find themselves VAPING Only NICOTINE Without FLAVORING Is probably not At risk FOR EVALI? Typically PATIENTS REFUSE OR ARE UNABLE TO Take part.
I believe A few of The other LABORATORY Reports FROM FDA AND THE STATE LABS HAVE Mentioned High CONCENTRATIONS OF VITAMIN E ACETATE AND That could be Done FOR More THE ILLICIT Purposes OR THE Profit Purposes OF DILUTING THE Materials AND MAKING IT LOOK Nice And maybe NOT HAVING To use AS Much THC OR–-blue-azure Other Active Ingredients. IT Is possible THAT VITAMIN E ACETATE May be INCLUDED IN SOME DISPENSARY-Sold Products In one STATE OR–-0.15-ohm Another. DR. PIRKLE May Want to Touch upon The extent OF DETECTION OF THE Check AND SO FORTH.
IS IT In the STUFF That is LEGITIMATELY PRODUCED AND Sold OR IS IT Something THAT Appears to be Exclusive TO THIS Either BLACK MARKET OR OFF-THE-Street PRODUCT THAT Might not be Legitimate? I do know MANY Within the CANNABIS Industry HAVE BEEN TELLING ME THEY Think THIS Is largely AN ILLICIT MARKET Problem. OKAY, Thank you. AND DR. SCHUCHAT, Are you aware IF NATIONALLY YOU’VE SEEN ANY Link TO LICENSED DISPENSARIES? The data Up to now Which have been Carefully Looked Through Point TO A Much Greater Risk Associated with THE THC-CONTAINING Products Which are ACQUIRED FROM INFORMAL SOURCES Versus LICENSED DISPENSARIES.
Hi, Thanks. DR. SCHUCHAT, YOU HAD Talked about THERE Could Nonetheless BE Other COMPOUNDS OR Elements That are CONTRIBUTING TO THE ILLNESSES AND I’M Questioning IF THERE ARE ANY Specifically THAT YOU’RE Still Trying INTO OR IF VITAMIN E ACETATE Actually IS The bottom LINE Here.