Has Vaping Actually Collapsed A Younger Man’s Lungs? Sure, Hello, This is DR. LAYDEN FROM ILLINOIS. And in a jurisdiction where the only way that somebody can get their fingers on a product like that’s actually buying it in an alley or on the road, we’re telling you to be very, vapedouble very careful about doing that as a result of we’re all alarmed by the reports involving THC-containing merchandise even when we don’t have THC present in each one of the instances that have offered themselves in the dozens of states that have reported illnesses.
SO, THERE’S A Variety Of things. I DO AGREE AND vapingplay CONCUR THAT MANY Occasions PATIENTS REPORT Using THESE Products Multiple AND vapeseem Numerous Times A DAY AT VERY High FREQUENCIES. AND vapedouble Based ON CONVERSATIONS WITH SOME Health Department INVESTIGATORS, WE Continue TO HAVE A SMALL Number THAT Believe THESE ARE Accurate Reports And vapeboth they Really Weren’t Using THC-CONTAINING Products. And people Involved, You recognize, A BROCHOSCOPY Where You put A TUBE IN Through THE Nose AND DEEP INTO THE LUNGS AND DO WASHINGS, In addition to Collect A SMALL Amount OF TISSUE FOR, You recognize, EXPLORING Under THE MICROSCOPE.
IT’S Possible THAT VITAMIN E ACETATE IN VERY SMALL Amounts May be Utilized in SOME E-LIQUID Material FOR A wide range of Reasons. WOULD VITAMIN E ACETATE Cause THAT Type of Injury? And vapornear then Additionally In the BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE THEY DO SQUIRT Normal SALINE, SO IT’S Kind of LIKE A SALT WATER, AND THE Procedure As soon as THEY’VE WEDGED THE BRONCOSCOPE DOWN INTO THE LUNG IS THAT THEY’LL SQUIRT, SAY a hundred MILLILITERS, OF Regular SALINE OUT After which SUCK Back WHAT They will GET AND The purpose IS TO Sample THE FLUID LINING OF THE LUNG And vapethere then They will SPIN THAT DOWN AND Look at CYTOLOGY ANALYSES And then We will USE What’s LEFT OVER And take a look at CHEMICAL ANALYSES.
I Wanted TO DIG IN Just Sort of RETURN TO A Question THAT WAS Kind of Asked EARLIER In regards to the THC VAPE Situation.