These Sensations Include A Burning Throat

QuestionsCategory: FundingThese Sensations Include A Burning Throat
Maryjo Bronner asked 2 years ago

Yu, Sheila; Escobedo, Patricia; Garcia, Robert; Cruz, Tess; Unger, Jennifer; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes; Meza, Leah; Sussman, Steve (2018). “A Descriptive Longitudinal Study of Changes in Vape Shop Characteristics and Store Policies in Anticipation of the 2016 FDA Regulations of Tobacco Products, Including E-Cigarettes”. Garcia, Robert; Allem, vape shop Jon; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes; Unger, Jennifer; Sussman, Steve (2017). “Employee and customer dealing with of nicotine-containing e-liquids in vape shops”.

Sussman, Vape shop Steve; Allem, Jon-Patrick; Garcia, Jocelyn; Unger, Jennifer B.; Cruz, Tess Boley; Garcia, Robert; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes (2016). “Who walks into vape outlets in Southern California?: a naturalistic commentary of customers”. Nayak, Pratibha; Kemp, Catherine B.; Redmon, Pamela (2016). “A Qualitative Study of Vape Shop Operators’ Perceptions of Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarette Use and Attitude Toward Their Potential Regulation by the US Food and Drug Administration, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina, 2015″.

Preventing Chronic Disease. Todd Hambleton (10 June 2016). “vape us Depot opens Cornwall location”. David Falchek (7 June 2015). “Vaping takes hold in NEPA, well being benefits hazy”. Duprey, Rich (17 November 2018). “Winners and Losers From FDA’s New E-Cig Rules”. G Trudeau (14 November 2014). “Thousands cloud up NRG Center for Latest Vape Summit II”. Neal, Meghan (6 May 2014). “The E-Cig Business Will Choke on New FDA Laws-Besides Huge Tobacco”. Selena Ross (24 January 2015).

“Vape outlets turning into a extra widespread sight across Nova Scotia”. Jay Nelz (16 January 2017). “Viral: Vape Explodes While Filipino Testing Out The Product At Shop”. Kirkpatrick, Matthew G; Cruz, Tess Boley; Goldenson, Nicholas I; Allem, Jon-Patrick; Chu, Kar-Hai; Pentz, Vapor Clearance Mary Ann; Unger, Jennifer B (2017).